International Conference for Financial Services – 10th Anniversary of the Financial Crisis
- Date: 21st and 22nd June 2018
- Venue: Rudolf Steiner Haus, Mittelweg 11-12, 20148 Hamburg
- Contact: Melanie Poldrack +49 40 309691 23,
- Programm 2018 ENG and Registration form
- Co-organizers: Consumer Agencies Baden-Württemberg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, North Rhine – Westphalia, Saarland, Saxony and the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv), inkassowatch, Prevention Network Old Age Provision, AG SBV.
- Organisation of workshops for laywers: Dr. Olaf Methner (Baum, Reiter & Collegen).
The 13th German Financial Services Conference taking place in Hamburg is a forum for banks, financial service providers, consumer associations, debt advice agencies, academia, the media and policy makers to discuss current national and international issues affecting consumers of financial services. Against the background of the 10 anniversary of the financial crisis, participants will discuss the situation including the effectiveness of regulation, the prerequisites for sustainable finance and the potential threat of a normalization of interest rates. Other main topics are old-age provision, the situation of financially vulnerable consumers and FinTech. A discussion of Udo Reifner’s Festschrift complements the program.
This year’s special – Discussion of Udo Reifner’s Festschrift
More than 40 friends and colleagues of Udo Reifner have dedicated a special kind of Festschrift to his 70th birthday. The Festschrift is an interactive blog at with contributions that respond directly to ideas and concepts published by Reifner since 1976. Participants of this panel presided by Prof. Doris Neuberger (economics) and Prof. Eva Kocher (law) are Geraint Howells, Dean of the law faculty of the City University Hongkong, Klaus Tonner, University of Rostock, Peter Rott, Editor of Consumer and Law, John Taylor, legal activist against poverty in America and president of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Thomas Wilhelmsson, President of the University of Helsinki, Christian Joerges, Hertie School of Government.
Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2018 | |
08:30 | Registrierung/Kaffee/Registration/Coffee |
09:00 | Eröffnung der Veranstaltung / Opening adress |
Dr. Melanie Leonhard (Hamburger Senatorin für Arbeit, Soziales, Familie und Integration), Dr. Dirk Ulbricht (iff) | |
09:10 | Impulsreferat / Keynote |
Sven Giegold (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) | |
09:30 | Plenum D 0.1 |
D 0.1 | Finanzregulierung seit der Krise: Ein Schritt vorwärts, zwei zurück |
Financial regulation since the crisis: One step forward, two steps back | |
Dr. Bergmann (DDV) Prof. Dr. Ringe (Uni Hamburg) Stiefmüller (Finance Watch) Giegold (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) Tenhagen (Moderation) | |
11:00–11:30 | Pause/Break |
11:30–13:00 | Parallele Veranstaltungen / Parallel sessions: |
D 1.1 | Das Niedrigzinsumfeld und die Wirkung auf die Verbraucher |
Low interest rate environment and ist effects on consumers | |
Nauhauser (VZ BaWü) Dr. Bäcker (Bundesbank) Prof. Schnabl (Uni Leipzig) Pannwitt (OSPA) Dr. de la Rubia (HSH Nordbank) Zielke (Moderation) (dpa Themendienst) | |
D 1.2 | Immobilienrente – mit Haus zur Zusatzrente |
Equity release schemes – supplementary retirement income from one’s house | |
Sedlmeier (Stiftung Liebenau) Schwarz (VZ Bremen) Thiele (Deutsche Leibrenten) Jeimke-Karge (Moderation) (Bild) | |
D 1.3 | FA/VuR: Inkassokosten: Ist die Welt schon in Ordnung? |
Debt collection costs: Is the world all rosy? | |
Peter (BMJV) Vorberg (VZ NRW) Prof. Dr. Busch (HWR Berlin) Pedd (BDIU) Prof. Dr. Jahn (Moderation) (NJW) | |
D 1.4 | FA/VuR: Ansatzpunkte in der anwaltlichen Prüfung von Kreditengagements |
Approaches and starting points for the legal examination of credit commitments | |
BVKK – Kreditsachverständige Hink (Hink&Fischer) Müller (Sachverständigenbüro Müller) Voigt (SV Voigt) | |
13:00–14:00 | Mittagessen/Lunch break |
14:00 | Parallele Veranstaltungen/Parallel sessions: |
D 2.1 | Öffentliche und private Rente I: Öffentliche Rente stärken! |
State and private pensions I: Strengthen the public pension! | |
Suding (FDP, MdB) Philipp (iff) Schäfer (DGB) Dr Geyer (DIW) Beumer (Moderation) (Finanztest) | |
D 2.2 | Finanzielle Bildung |
Financial education | |
Parthum (Moderation) (Geldfrau) Prof. Walz (Hochschule Ludwigshafen) Dr. Mayer (VZ Hessen) von Jagow (My Finance Coach) Heine (SB Charlottenburg/Wilmersdorf) Oppenhäuser (attac) | |
D 2.3 | FA/VuR: Blockchain-Technologie und rechtliche Fragen |
Blockchain technology and legal issues | |
Dr. Friedrich (TU Chemnitz) | |
D 2.4 | Crowdinvesting |
Crowdinvesting | |
Nanakkal (VZH) Dr. Maronde (Exporo) Müller (Zinsland) Harms (Moderation) ( | |
15:30–16:00 | Pause/Break |
16:00–17:30 | Parallele Veranstaltungen / Parallel sessions: |
D 3.1 | Öffentliche und private Rente II: Wie kommen wir zu einer effizienten Altersvorsorge in der 2. und 3. Säule? |
State and private pensions II: How can we achieve efficient old age provision through pillars 2 and 3? | |
Nauhauser (VZ BaWü) Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Weber (Uni Mannheim) Bartel (GDV) Schmidt (Quirin Bank) Gatschke (Moderation) (VZBV) | |
D 3.2 | FA/VuR: Bitcoin und Blockchain: Anonymes Bezahlen für Verbraucher*innen, Spekulationsfeld und neue Technologie für Finanzdienstleister |
Bitcoin and Blockchain: Anonymous payment for consumers, speculation field and new technology for financial service providers | |
Dr. Weichert (ehm. Datenschutzbeauftragter SH) RA Zimprich (Fieldfisher) Dr. Diehl (Bundesbank) Pauli (vzbv) Dr. Tiffe (Moderation) (Juest+Oprecht) | |
D 3.3 | FA/VuR: Aktuelle BGH-Rechtsprechung und prozessuale Entwicklungen (KapMuG; Musterfeststellungsklage-Entwurf) |
Latest German high court jurisprudence and developments in procedural law (KapMuG; collective redress) | |
Jens Rathmann (OLG Frankfurt/Main) Lindner (BGH Karlsruhe) | |
D 3.4 | Alternative Tauschsysteme: Können Zeit-Tauschsysteme, Kryptowährungen und Regiogeld den Menschen nützen? |
Alternative money systems | |
Prof. Größl (Uni HH/iff) Dr. Degens (Uni HH) Bindewald (Uni Lancaster) Plettenbacher (WIR GEMEINSAM) Latsch (Moderation) (Monneta) | |
17:30–17:45 | Pause/Break |
17:45 | Plenum D 4.1 |
D 4 | Nachhaltige Finanzwirtschaft: Anforderungen an die europäische und deutsche Politik |
Sustainable Finance: Requirements for European and German policy making | |
Brendel (VZHB) Koch (Europäische Kommission) Ryglewski (SPD) Schürmann (Triodos) Schneeweiß (Südwind) Ockenga (GDV) Läsker (Moderation) (Spiegel) | |
19:15 | Ende des ersten Tages/End of the Day |
19:30–ca. 22:00 | Abendveranstaltung und Übergabe der Festschrift Udo Reifner / Evening Event and ceremonial presentation of Festschrift Udo Reifner |
Freitag, 22. Juni 2018 | |
08:30–09:00 | Registrierung/Kaffee/Registration/Coffee |
09:00–10:30 | Parallele Veranstaltungen / Parallel sessions: |
F 1.1 | Weg mit den Schulden oder weg mit den Schulden |
Off with the debts or off with debt | |
Weinhold (AG SBV) N.N.** (Wohnungsgenossenschaft) Dr. Saager (BVR) Pedd (BDIU) Moers (Moderation) (BAG SB) | |
F 1.2 | Flächendeckende Versorgung mit Finanzdienstleistungen |
Comprehensive access to financial services | |
Prof. Dr. Conrad (HS Eberswalde ) Füg (Uni Duisburg-Essen) Dr. Gärtner (IAT) Prof. Dr. Neuberger (Moderation) (Uni Rostock) | |
F 1.3 | FA/VuR: Die Umsetzung der PSD II in deutsches Recht |
Implentation of PSD II in Germany | |
Görner (Finanzmarktwächter/VZ Sachsen) Bieler (ING-DiBa) Feck (Fachanwalt) Pauli (vzbv) | |
F 1.4 | Diskussion zur Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Udo Reifner- Life Time Contracts/Social Contract Law |
Discussions of the 70th birthday Festschrift for Udo Reifner – „Life Time Contracts/Social Contract Law“ | |
Prof. Dr. Howells (Uni Honkong) Prof. Dr. Wilhelmsson (Uni Helsinki) Prof. Dr. Klaus (Uni Rostock) Prof. Dr. Kocher (Moderation) (Uni Frankfurt O.) | |
10:30–11:00 | Pause/Break |
11:00–12:30 | Parallele Veranstaltungen / Parallel sessions: |
F 2.1 | Finanzierung der Schuldner- und Insolvenzberatung |
Financing of debt advice and insolvency counselling | |
Weinhold (AG SBV) Prof. Vaudt (HAW) Wellmann (VZ NRW) Peters (Moderation) (HSI) | |
F 2.2 | Betriebsrentengesetz |
German Occupational Pensions Act | |
Bauer (MLP) Heise (VZ NRW) Mostert (IGBCE) Kamppeter (Allianz) Meyer (Moderation) (VersicherungsJournal) | |
F 2.3 | FA/VuR: Widerspruch gegen Lebensversicherung |
Right of withdrawal in payment protection insurance and life insurance | |
Becker-Eiselen (VZHH) | |
F 2.4 | Diskussion zur Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Udo Reifner – Regulation and Economics |
Discussions of the 70th birthday Festschrift for Udo Reifner – Regulation and Economics | |
Prof. Dr. Cherednychenko (Uni Groningen) Dr. Ulbricht (iff) Prof. Dr. Rott (Uni Kassel) Prof. Dr. Neuberger (Moderation) (Uni Rostock) | |
12:30–12:45 | Pause/Break |
12:45 | Plenum F 3.1 |
F 3.1 | Wie steht’s um die Zunft? Ratenkredite, Restschuldversicherungen und Inkasso |
Consumer credit industry: Instalment loans, credit insurance and debt collection | |
Heyer (VZ Sachsen) Dr. Ulbricht (iff) Dr. Paetz (BMJV) Prof. Dr. Reifner (iff) Dr. Tiffe (Juest+Oprecht) Parthum (Moderation) (Geldfrau) | |
14:00 | Verabschiedung/farewell (iff) |
14:15 | Ende der Veranstaltung/end of conference |