Meeting and cooperation with the EPPARG
On 7th of July 2016, the members of the European Pensions and Property Asset Release Group (EPPARG) organised a seminar in London in the offices of the JRP Group to which the research team led by iff was invited. It allowed the team to present their EU Grant project ”Integrating residential property with private pensions in the EU” and solicit the support of the leading institutions of the European Equity Release market. The three persons from the project (from iff, WIT and QUB) were able to learn from a number of presentations made by industry experts on relevant issues for fostering the growth of ERS in Europe. Very valuable insights and fruitful discussions were obtained at the meeting and the research lasting until September 2017 will be able to build on the knowledge and support received through the dialogue and cooperation enabled by the Brussels based EPPARG.
We look forward to working with the trade association and its key members throughout the project and appreciate the input received so far. Further update on the project and any collaboration with EPPARG will be shared on the project partner websites over coming months.